Saturday, May 17, 2008

Post ONE:

Goooden Morgan all. It's 10:30 am on Saturday - Zero Day - and the first full day of DanStock08. This is Beau, posting as Dan because technology is hard, damnit.  Kim reports that there have thus far been no casualties, no emergency room runs, and no vehicular accidents of any known kind. (Okay, to be fair and honest, I did drunkenly decide to stand on the right (which is to say, wrong!) footpeg of my parked FJR13 in the garage around 2am, causing it to dump right over on its side. But, no harm, no foul, and since there is no visible damage, the story will be it never happened. Anyone who suggests otherwise will be charged with sedition and dispatched to Guantanamo for a US government funded special face washing.)

Given that I woke up with the bedside light on, loving cradling a one pound bag of ginger snaps in my arms, I'll assume it just MAY be possible that I passed out, rather than actually fell asleep of my own volition. Big Fitz has been cooking for a while and the team has been sustaining itself thus far on mimosas, coffee, diet soda and a ceaseless nibbling of bacon. The baked french toast is ready and smells damn good, so I will sign off to stuff my pudgy face. Will blog again in a few hours or cocktails, whichever comes first. 

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