Saturday, May 17, 2008

3:39 pm post

Beau here again: The # of peeps is starting to pick up. We now eclipse a solid dozen or more. it's 13 min left in the third and the wings are down 2-1, but I remain confident this is a temporary condition.  Keith and Keegaloo just had a figure 8 slalom race in the back yard, with Kegan on the 50 cc Honda and Keith riding Cheesy Rider. I have pics we'll post here at a later date. Scads more folks just arrived, which rocks. I am eagerly awaiting Sarah's arrival (26-year-old bar broad Sarah, not already-here, very cute 18-month-old Sarah). I plan to do a full Phillips on her, which will likely leave her questioning everything about herself for months, but is typically done with a subtlety and grace that leaves the subject unaware I was anything but nice, funny and a joy to spend time with until a few days later. The only concern: Big Fitz was nice enough to give me a straw, which has the rum going into my gullet at a far quicker rate, leading to a true buzz for the first time today (and the # of typos is clearly up over earlier posts!). Ty Wai is here, and I haven't seen him since Dan's birthday years and years ago - before Michelle and I were married, which means 6 years. Big Fitz is right: he looks younger than six years agio. Fucker! :- )    OK, need to go make another drink now and meet new folks. Will blog again  later (and drunker). Hugs and kisses. - Beau

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