Saturday, May 17, 2008

1:13pm post

Bloho here again: The gaggle is starting to grow. we're up to about a dozen now, incl. Keego, Jay and Sarah clocking in to rep the under 4 and under 4-foot crowd. big fitz is up from napping and danno and i just got back from a rum, 100-pounds of ice, gas, and coke run. Took a call from KGrow on Chicago media follow up to last Saturday's page on WSJ cover piece. It's ok to do a little client work whil eplaying, and we were at the gas station, not mid-party when I did it. Puck drops in Hockeytown in 23 minutes, and a win today would send the red wings to the cup against philly or pittsburgh (who is up 3 games to 1 over the flyers). 

Kegadoo and Keith are now tearing up the lawn w dirtbikes, Daddo fitz continues to cook non-stop and despite the wind its beautiful here if not a tad chilly, so we are all going for a ride shortly. I expect afterwards we'll come back to Fitz's and drink our faces off. will post again after 50 miles of bucks county back roads and a few cocky-tails. 

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