Saturday, May 17, 2008

it's 745:pm post

Beau-a-dosh-us here agiiiin: the first fire of the night is lit (here Frakenstein saying "fire. good"). burning Dan, as per the previous post is here. its spitting rain every few minutes but just fir a second - not even enough so for us to move the bikes into the garage. Kim just freshened my drink out of slavish respect for the hard wrk of blogging al day I have been doing. Who can blame her. I am just way too witty, tho i think that with each passing hour and 3-7 drinks, i am less and less witty - or anything else of value. people have been riding cheesy rider and the 50 around the lawn all day.  we're up to 20+ people here, maybe 30. I miss Michelle and the cuties, but it was soooo the right call for them not to come. there are a bunch more kids, and they are lighting the bonfire and throwing in cardboard, so they are having fun. kids + fire + fun 99.9% of the time. The other .01% is a) a tragedy; and b) darwin hard at work. too tough for you? well, suck it. big fitz and keither coked off the ribs, and i hear wings are done out back too, so I cam going to shag my fatt tush back there to have a few to go with the 576 drinks I have had thus far, Mariano!  typos seems to be down, which is odd, cause i am drubker yet still than earlier, and i promise to keep it up. will blog again, later, even though i know no one is reading this, you pathetic cock knockers!

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